Friday, November 13, 2009

RENEW International Connects Scripture to Life

Reading Scripture is a source of comfort, way to deeper understanding of Catholic doctrine, and a path to spiritual reawakening. Catholics make connections from Scripture which reinforce their moral foundation and influence the way they move through their life. While the bible can be recognized for its historical and literary terms, its greatest value comes when integrating its teachings into the present. RENEW International is a canonically-recognized Catholic organization which offers many resources that make Scripture accessible to people of faith around the world.

RENEW International realizes that people in different stages of life will have spiritual challenges which can be solved through Scripture. The resources they provide have helped young adults answer questions, parents experience spiritual awakening, and seniors obtain inner peace. The materials of RENEW International have brought Scripture within reach of Catholics in other countries and to families everywhere who are looking for faith-sharing materials. Their resources in Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, and other languages have benefited Catholics in parishes and dioceses all over the world. Many with physical disabilities, such as the seeing- impaired, have used their large print Braille materials or audio versions of reflections from Scripture. College students have learned from Lectionary-based materials developed specifically for them. There are even prison outreach programs to help those in need find their way back to God. RENEW International serves Catholics by teaching them how to connect Scripture to their personal experience and rediscover the ways the Word of God can truly transform their lives.

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