The success of the RENEW International "Why Catholic?" program is evidenced through the spiritual growth of a small group of parishioners in the Diocese of Davenport, at the St. Joseph Parish in Wellman, Iowa. Every Sunday night for four years, twelve people from diverse backgrounds, of all ages, and with different ideas about faith met to study Scripture. They hoped to deepen their understanding of the Bible through study, sharing questions, and discussion. What they didn't expect from the process was how much they came to know about each other and how much stronger their individual and collective faith became. To facilitate their learning, Wellman parishioners used "Why Catholic?" for their resource material. It helped them better analyze the Catechism in smaller pieces and guide them to its true meaning. It was an exciting time, as they connected the rich lessons of Scripture to their own lives and realized the deep spiritual fulfillment which comes from faith-sharing. You can read more about the Wellman parishioners experience at:
Thursday, April 29, 2010
RENEW International and “Why Catholic?” are Enriching the Spiritual Lives of Catholics Everywhere
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
RENEW International Resources and Publications
A popular resource for adult faith formation and group sharing has been the publication, "Why Catholic?" and "¿Por qué ser católico?" RENEW is proud to also have available the powerful follow-up resources, "Longing for the Holy: Spirituality for Everyday Life", and Sedientos de Dios: una espiritualidad para la gente de hoy. These parallel products help people better sense God's presence and positively channel their internal longing. The structure of the materials is ideal for group study but can also be enjoyed individually by anyone who wants to be comforted and guided by their faith. RENEW International has made available a companion music CD for "Longing for the Holy" which features thirteen songs suggested in the book for times of prayer. These songs are ideal for opening and closing faith-sharing sessions. The books come in a variety of languages and an audio version for the visually impaired and those people who enjoy hearing Scripture come to life. Other published materials to support and enhance small catholic community gatherings are: "PrayerTime: Faith-Sharing Reflections on the Sunday Gospels" and "Gleanings, A Personal Prayer Journal". These and other dynamic faith-sharing materials for dioceses, parishes, individuals, and families can be found at the RENEW International bookstore at
Monday, April 12, 2010
RENEW International and ARISE Together in Christ: Encouraging Compassionate Acts of Service and Charity
Participants in ARISE Together in Christ have responded to needs, both within their community and in challenged areas around the globe. People are taking action such as raising money, contributing to their local food pantry, and participating in projects to help the developing world. The program has taught them to celebrate their faith and encouraged compassion and action. Below are some first-person accounts from participating parishes in Boston:
"My group was so touched by the Scripture story of the "Woman at the Well" during the third week of Lent that we decided to do something positive about water in the third world. We raised over $2,000.00 to help drill a well for a poor village in Honduras." - St. John the Baptist, Quincy
"Our small communities worked with OXFAM to purchase water jugs for poor families. One of our priests is from Vietnam and we focused on the need for clean water in his home village by providing for two cisterns. We also made and served sandwiches for the homeless in shelters downtown." - St. Joseph, Medford
"We have become a family at St Julia's in a way we have not been before. Several actions came out of our group: money was provided to someone who would otherwise not have been able to afford a needed kidney transplant; we had a clothing and food drive; and we worked on the rehabilitation of a three family unit in a low housing project called "Rebuilding Boston." - St. Julia, Weston
"One of our small communities decided to raise enough money to purchase a water pump for a poor village in Africa."- St. Pius X, Lynn
RENEW International is planning to bring ARISE Together in Christ to other parishes in the country. This spring, the Diocese of Stockton in California became the second diocese to begin the process of ARISE. With God's grace, may their parish members experience the same personal and communal spiritual renewal as they learn ways to apply the teachings of the gospel to their lives.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
RENEW International Expands its Work in African Dioceses
To-date, RENEW International has reached more than 70 churches throughout Port Elizabeth. They have proudly trained more than 900 lay leaders to bring together people to form their own smaller, caring Christian communities. Those who participated have felt God's healing grace and many people have found their way back home to the Church. One Small Community Leader in the Diocese of Port Elizabeth said about RENEW, "The best part of my RENEW Africa experience is realizing at this time and moment of how grateful I am that I live in Christ and he loves me. Even though I am in pain it doesn't prevent me welcoming brothers and sisters to his banquet by my actions and commitment." The programs will continue with training workshops conducted in both their native language, Xhosa, and English.
The Diocese of Queenstown, South Africa has reached out to RENEW International to also implement RENEW Africa. The people within this very rural diocese have benefited from the formation of small Christian communities and responded to workshops conducted in Xhosa. Participants in these struggling areas have found comfort and gratitude in realizing Christ's love and learning to live according to Gospel. They realized how they can come together with their fellow man for the benefit of the entire community and their individual spirit. RENEW furthered its efforts in Africa by working with associates from within the country to publish books. RENEW International is committed to expanding their presence in international dioceses to reach similarly challenged people in need everywhere.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
RENEW International: Reaching Out to Young Adults
Campus RENEW is a faith-sharing process which has been enthusiastically welcomed on college and university campuses. It bolsters campus ministry programs using students and faculty to encourage peer involvement. RENEW helps students find or reconnect with their faith during this time of emerging adulthood. In keeping with the concerns of students looking to educate themselves about social and global issues, RENEW International has developed, "The World on Campus". This new faith-sharing resource addresses current issues as seen through prayer, Scripture, and Catholic Social Teaching. RENEW Theology on Tap is a highly sought-after program by many parishes throughout the country and around the world. It is a dynamic young Catholic adult ministry which evangelizes young people and helps lead them back to active involvement in the Church. Adults in their 20's and 30's gather together in comfortable group settings and explore theological topics made relevant to their lives and experiences today. Young people are happier once they know the comfort and strength of God's love and receive guidance from Scripture. Through the programs and materials of RENEW International, they are finding their own adult voice and embracing their faith, while discovering the joy of celebrating spirituality with others.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Sr. Theresa Rickard, O.P. to Lead RENEW International
Sr. Terry has a long-history of understanding an ethnically diverse, global Church which stems from her early ministry years working in multicultural parishes within the South Bronx in New York City. She recognizes the unique challenges of all people and appreciates the benefits parish life and small faith-sharing communities can bring to those socially, economically, and spiritually in need. She has worked tirelessly to share God's blessings with everyone and help people make connections between faith and life. Having identified the spiritual needs of people around the world, Sr. Terry's efforts with RENEW have reached beyond our country's borders into five developing countries. She has personally championed RENEW Africa, a process developed specifically to meet their local pastoral needs and address spiritual concerns expressed by the Synod of Bishops for Africa for their people.
Sr. Terry has helped expand RENEW International into more than forty dioceses throughout the United States, in parishes, and on campuses. College campuses have welcomed RENEW, whose programs are reaching young Catholic adults and becoming an integral part of their emerging adult faith. She is a celebrated retreat leader and passionate speaker known for her enthusiasm for spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. About her appointment, Sr. Terry remarked, "I am honored to have the trust and full support of RENEW's Board, Fr. Tom, and Archbishop Myers to lead RENEW's excellent team in providing innovative pastoral services which build vibrant faith communities of hope and Gospel action." RENEW International is proud to have Sr. Terry leading them forward, as they continue to foster spiritual renewal within individuals and communities by showing them new ways to strengthen, celebrate, and share their faith.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
RENEW International Strengthens Adults' Faith with, “Why Catholic? Journey through the Catechism.”
This powerful program is resonating with Catholics everywhere because it answers many of their questions and leads them to a greater understanding of church doctrines. The group setting encourages sharing and allows for moments of personal connection to the teachings of scripture. It is particularly powerful to hear about a theological topic and then learn how one's friends in faith are living the lessons today. Parish and diocesan ministries have initiated "Why Catholic? Journey through the Catechism," in prisons and health care facilities. This RENEW International program has also been reaching young people on college campuses. College students have welcomed the opportunity to strengthen their faith during a critical time when they're forming their beliefs as adults. This is a powerful program for anyone who has ever had questions about being Catholic and is seeking solace and spiritual strength from answers.